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- 09:30 ~ 17:00
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- 12:30 ~ 13:30
주말 · 공휴일 휴무
예금주 : 코리아닷컴(임채진)
Resume oseongho
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경력사항경력 1년 ↑
희망조건, 복지
희망조건초보가능, 당일지급, 경력우대, 자격증소지자, 장애인우대
희망복지숙식제공, 주5일근무, 의료/건강지원, 연차/월차, 국민연금(4대보험), 퇴직금
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- 기타
こんにちは I'm living in New York 40 a normal person, oseongho the profile.
To be rude. Eomgung-dong 486, at age 38, permanent address, Busan, South Korea country is not that I came here to America. My sister is adopted in the United States passport applications, we are preparing to go to the United States as My Name Is, oseongho and headed for New York. The desert heaven and earth than Korea, not even lower limbs? The Korea is really the world's first country to ppakyu. A country like what's really not to associate human massage is more t
这里不是一堵墙不是比3年的经验。 可能是这个国家在采纳。
Specialty massage my hobby and please contact me, the people contact a job or do you do men and women massage to In meiner Familie Vater, Mutter gimmanja omyeongcheol.
A divorce and remarriage like it in the North Pole, in Seattle, now dead sister oyesun ppadeo marriage, divorce, remarriage that many calls from people that the children receiving a lot of threats in Korea.I have it. 119
010 - 4593 1507 call letters every day
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